In [1]:
from os import path
from astropy.constants import c
import astropy.coordinates as coord
import astropy.units as u
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt'apw-notebook')
%matplotlib inline
from scipy.optimize import minimize
from comoving_rv.log import logger
from comoving_rv.db import Session, Base, db_connect
from comoving_rv.db.model import (Run, Observation, TGASSource, SimbadInfo, PriorRV,
SpectralLineInfo, SpectralLineMeasurement)
In [2]:
base_path = '/Volumes/ProjectData/gaia-comoving-followup/'
db_path = path.join(base_path, 'db.sqlite')
engine = db_connect(db_path)
session = Session()
In [3]:
Halpha, = session.query(SpectralLineInfo.wavelength).filter( == 'Halpha').one()
For now, only get observations that are done that have a Simbad RV already in the database
In [4]:
q = session.query(Observation).join(Run, SpectralLineMeasurement, PriorRV)
q = q.filter( == 'mdm-spring-2017')
q = q.filter(SpectralLineMeasurement.x0 != None)
q = q.filter(PriorRV.rv != None)
In [5]:
observations = q.all()
In [6]:
raw_offsets = np.zeros(len(observations)) * u.angstrom
all_sky_offsets = np.full((len(observations), 3), np.nan) * u.angstrom
true_rv = np.zeros(len(observations)) *
meas_rv = np.zeros(len(observations)) *
night_id = np.zeros(len(observations), dtype=int)
obs_time = np.zeros(len(observations))
airmass = np.zeros(len(observations))
hour_angle = np.zeros(len(observations))
color_by = np.zeros(len(observations))
for i,obs in enumerate(observations):
print(obs.object, obs.filename_1d)
# color_by[i] = obs.airmass
# color_by[i] = obs.exptime
obs_time[i] = np.sum(np.array(list(map(float, obs.time_obs.split(':')))) / np.array([1., 60., 3600.]))
color_by[i] = obs_time[i]
night_id[i] = obs.night
airmass[i] = obs.airmass
hour_angle[i] =
x0 = obs.measurements[0].x0 * u.angstrom
offset = (x0 - Halpha)
raw_offsets[i] = offset
sky_offsets = []
for j,meas in enumerate(obs.measurements[1:]):
sky_offset = meas.x0*u.angstrom -
if meas.amp > 16 and meas.std_G < 2 and meas.std_G > 0.3 and np.abs(sky_offset) < 4*u.angstrom:
all_sky_offsets[i,j] = sky_offset
print(, meas.x0, meas.amp, sky_offset)
sky_offsets = u.Quantity(sky_offsets)
if len(sky_offsets) > 0:
sky_offset = np.mean(sky_offsets)
sky_offset = 0. * u.angstrom
print("WARNING: not correcting with sky line")
# sky_offset = -1.2*u.angstrom
meas_rv[i] = (offset - sky_offset) / Halpha * + obs.v_bary
true_rv[i] = obs.prior_rv.rv - obs.v_bary
print(meas_rv[i] - true_rv[i])
In [7]:
raw_rv = raw_offsets / Halpha *
In [8]:
grid = np.linspace(0, 14, 256)
diff = all_sky_offsets[:,0] - ((raw_rv - true_rv)/c*5577*u.angstrom).decompose()
# diff = all_sky_offsets[:,0] - ((meas_rv - true_rv)/c*5577*u.angstrom).decompose()
diff[np.abs(diff) > 2*u.angstrom] = np.nan * u.angstrom
night_polys = dict()
for n in range(1,5+1):
mask = (night_id == n) & np.isfinite(diff)
coef = np.polyfit(obs_time[mask], diff[mask], deg=1, w=np.full(mask.sum(), 1/0.1))
poly = np.poly1d(coef)
night_polys[n] = poly
sc = plt.scatter(obs_time[mask], diff[mask])
plt.plot(grid, poly(grid), color=sc.get_facecolor()[0], marker='')
plt.xlim(-0, 15)
plt.ylim(-2, 2)
In [13]:
corrected_rv = np.zeros(len(observations)) *
derps = dict()
for n in np.unique(night_id):
mask = night_id == n
sky_offset = np.nanmean(all_sky_offsets[mask,:2], axis=1)
sky_offset[np.isnan(sky_offset)] = 0.*u.angstrom
sky_offset -= night_polys[n](obs_time[mask]) * u.angstrom
corrected_rv[mask] = (raw_offsets[mask] - sky_offset) / Halpha *
for n in np.unique(night_id):
mask = night_id == n
derps[n] = np.nanmedian(corrected_rv[mask] - true_rv[mask])
corrected_rv[mask] = corrected_rv[mask] - derps[n]
In [14]:
fig,axes = plt.subplots(2, 5, figsize=(15,6.5), sharex='row', sharey='row')
_lim = (-200, 200)
_grid = np.linspace(_lim[0], _lim[1], 16)
_bins = np.linspace(-100, 100, 31)
for n in range(1,5+1):
ax = axes[0, n-1]
mask = night_id == n
cb = ax.scatter(corrected_rv[mask], true_rv[mask], c=color_by[mask],
marker='.', alpha=0.75, vmin=0, vmax=12, linewidth=1.,
edgecolor='#aaaaaa', s=50)
ax.plot(_grid, _grid, marker='', zorder=-10, color='#888888')
# histogram
ax = axes[1, n-1]
drv = corrected_rv[mask] - true_rv[mask]
ax.hist(drv, bins=_bins)
print(n, np.median(drv), 1.5 * np.median(np.abs(drv - np.median(drv))), np.mean(drv), np.std(drv))
axes[1,0].set_xlim(_bins.min(), _bins.max())
# all:
drv = corrected_rv - true_rv
print('total:', 1.5 * np.median(np.abs(drv - np.median(drv))), np.std(drv[np.abs(drv) < 50*]))
plt.hist(drv[np.abs(drv) < 100*], bins='auto');
In [21]:
fig,axes = plt.subplots(1, 2, figsize=(6.5, 3.1))
_lim = (-200, 200)
_grid = np.linspace(_lim[0], _lim[1], 16)
_bins = np.linspace(-100, 100, 31)
cb = axes[0].scatter(corrected_rv, true_rv, c=color_by,
marker='.', alpha=0.75, vmin=0, vmax=12, linewidth=1.,
edgecolor='#aaaaaa', s=50)
axes[0].plot(_grid, _grid, marker='', zorder=-10, color='#888888')
# histogram
drv = corrected_rv - true_rv
axes[1].hist(drv, bins=_bins)
print(n, np.median(drv), 1.5 * np.median(np.abs(drv - np.median(drv))), np.mean(drv), np.std(drv))
axes[1].set_xlim(_bins.min(), _bins.max())
In [25]:
class RVCorrector(object):
def __init__(self, session, run_name):
self.session = session
self.run_name = str(run_name)
# get wavelength for Halpha
self.Halpha, = session.query(SpectralLineInfo.wavelength)\
.filter( == 'Halpha').one()
def _compute_offset_corrections(self):
session = self.session
run_name = self.run_name
q = session.query(Observation).join(Run, SpectralLineMeasurement, PriorRV)
q = q.filter( == run_name)
q = q.filter(SpectralLineMeasurement.x0 != None)
q = q.filter(PriorRV.rv != None)
logger.debug('{0} observations with prior RV measurements'
# retrieve all observations with measured centroids and previous RV's
observations = q.all()
# What we do below is look at the residual offsets between applying a naïve
# sky-line correction and the true RV (with the barycentric velocity
# applied)
raw_offsets = np.zeros(len(observations)) * u.angstrom
all_sky_offsets = np.full((len(observations), 3), np.nan) * u.angstrom
true_rv = np.zeros(len(observations)) *
obs_time = np.zeros(len(observations))
night_id = np.zeros(len(observations), dtype=int)
corrected_rv = np.zeros(len(observations)) *
for i,obs in enumerate(observations):
# convert obstime into decimal hour
obs_time[i] = np.sum(np.array(list(map(float, obs.time_obs.split(':')))) / np.array([1., 60., 3600.]))
# Compute the raw offset: difference between Halpha centroid and true
# wavelength value
x0 = obs.measurements[0].x0 * u.angstrom
offset = (x0 - self.Halpha)
raw_offsets[i] = offset
night_id[i] = obs.night
# For each sky line (that passes certain quality checks), compute the
# offset between the predicted wavelength and measured centroid
# TODO: generalize these quality cuts - see also below in
# get_corrected_rv
sky_offsets = []
for j,meas in enumerate(obs.measurements[1:]):
sky_offset = meas.x0*u.angstrom -
if (meas.amp > 16 and meas.std_G < 2 and meas.std_G > 0.3 and
np.abs(sky_offset) < 4*u.angstrom): # MAGIC NUMBER: quality cuts
all_sky_offsets[i,j] = sky_offset
sky_offsets = u.Quantity(sky_offsets)
if len(sky_offsets) > 0:
sky_offset = np.mean(sky_offsets)
sky_offset = np.nan * u.angstrom
logger.debug("not correcting with sky line for {0}".format(obs))
true_rv[i] = obs.prior_rv.rv - obs.v_bary
raw_rv = raw_offsets / self.Halpha *
# unique night ID's
unq_night_id = np.unique(night_id)
# Now we do a totally insane thing. From visualizing the residual
# differences, there seems to be a trend with the observation time. We
# fit a line to these residuals and use this to further correct the
# wavelength solutions using just the (strongest) [OI] 5577 Å line.
diff = all_sky_offsets[:,0] - ((raw_rv - true_rv)/c*5577*u.angstrom).decompose()
diff[np.abs(diff) > 2*u.angstrom] = np.nan * u.angstrom # reject BIG offsets
self._night_polys = dict()
self._night_final_offsets = dict()
for n in unq_night_id:
mask = (night_id == n) & np.isfinite(diff)
coef = np.polyfit(obs_time[mask], diff[mask], deg=1, w=np.full(mask.sum(), 1/0.1))
poly = np.poly1d(coef)
self._night_polys[n] = poly
sky_offset = np.nanmean(all_sky_offsets[mask,:2], axis=1)
sky_offset[np.isnan(sky_offset)] = 0.*u.angstrom
sky_offset -= self._night_polys[n](obs_time[mask]) * u.angstrom
corrected_rv[mask] = (raw_offsets[mask] - sky_offset) / self.Halpha *
# Finally, we align the median of each night's ∆RV distribution with 0
drv = corrected_rv[mask] - true_rv[mask]
self._night_final_offsets[n] = np.nanmedian(drv)
# now estimate the std. dev. uncertainty using the MAD
all_drv = corrected_rv - true_rv
self._abs_err = 1.5 * np.nanmedian(np.abs(all_drv - np.nanmedian(all_drv)))
def get_corrected_rv(self, obs):
"""Compute a corrected radial velocity for the given observation"""
# Compute the raw offset: difference between Halpha centroid and true
# wavelength value
x0 = obs.measurements[0].x0 * u.angstrom
raw_offset = (x0 - self.Halpha)
# precision estimate from line centroid error
precision = (obs.measurements[0].x0_error* u.angstrom) / self.Halpha *
# For each sky line (that passes certain quality checks), compute the
# offset between the predicted wavelength and measured centroid
# TODO: generalize these quality cuts - see also above in
# _compute_offset_corrections
sky_offsets = np.full(3, np.nan) * u.angstrom
for j,meas in enumerate(obs.measurements[1:]):
sky_offset = meas.x0*u.angstrom -
if (meas.amp > 16 and meas.std_G < 2 and meas.std_G > 0.3 and
np.abs(sky_offset) < 3.3*u.angstrom): # MAGIC NUMBER: quality cuts
sky_offsets[j] = sky_offset
# final sky offset to apply
flag = 0
sky_offset = np.nanmean(sky_offsets)
if np.isnan(sky_offset.value):
logger.debug("not correcting with sky line for {0}".format(obs))
sky_offset = 0*u.angstrom
flag = 1
# apply global sky offset correction - see _compute_offset_corrections()
sky_offset -= self._night_polys[obs.night](obs.utc_hour) * u.angstrom
# compute radial velocity and correct for sky line
rv = (raw_offset - sky_offset) / self.Halpha *
# correct for offset of median of ∆RV distribution from targets with
# prior/known RV's
rv -= self._night_final_offsets[obs.night]
# rv error
err = np.sqrt(self._abs_err**2 + precision**2)
return rv, err, flag
In [26]:
rv_corr = RVCorrector(session, 'mdm-spring-2017')
In [27]:
corrected_rv2 = np.zeros_like(corrected_rv)
err = np.zeros_like(corrected_rv)
flags = np.zeros(len(corrected_rv2))
for i,obs in enumerate(observations):
corrected_rv2[i], err[i], flags[i] = rv_corr.get_corrected_rv(obs)
In [28]:
fig,axes = plt.subplots(2, 5, figsize=(15,6.5), sharex='row', sharey='row')
_lim = (-200, 200)
_grid = np.linspace(_lim[0], _lim[1], 16)
_bins = np.linspace(-100, 100, 31)
for n in range(1,5+1):
ax = axes[0, n-1]
mask = (night_id == n) & (flags == 0)
cb = ax.scatter(corrected_rv2[mask], true_rv[mask], c=color_by[mask],
marker='.', alpha=0.75, vmin=0, vmax=12, linewidth=1.,
edgecolor='#aaaaaa', s=50)
ax.plot(_grid, _grid, marker='', zorder=-10, color='#888888')
# histogram
ax = axes[1, n-1]
drv = corrected_rv2[mask] - true_rv[mask]
ax.hist(drv, bins=_bins)
print(n, np.median(drv), 1.5 * np.median(np.abs(drv - np.median(drv))), np.mean(drv), np.std(drv))
axes[1,0].set_xlim(_bins.min(), _bins.max())
# all:
drv = corrected_rv2 - true_rv
print('total:', 1.5 * np.median(np.abs(drv - np.median(drv))), np.std(drv[np.abs(drv) < 50*]))
plt.hist(drv[np.abs(drv) < 100*], bins='auto');
In [30]:
fig,axes = plt.subplots(1, 2, figsize=(6.5, 3.1))
_lim = (-200, 200)
_grid = np.linspace(_lim[0], _lim[1], 16)
_bins = np.linspace(-100, 100, 31)
# cb = axes[0].scatter(corrected_rv2, true_rv, c=color_by,
# marker='.', alpha=0.75, vmin=0, vmax=12, linewidth=1.,
# edgecolor='#aaaaaa', s=50)
cb = axes[0].scatter(corrected_rv2, true_rv,
marker='.', alpha=0.75, linewidth=1.,
edgecolor='#aaaaaa', s=50)
axes[0].plot(_grid, _grid, marker='', zorder=-10, color='#888888')
# histogram
drv = corrected_rv2 - true_rv
axes[1].hist(drv, bins=_bins)
print(n, np.median(drv), 1.5 * np.median(np.abs(drv - np.median(drv))), np.mean(drv), np.std(drv))
axes[1].set_xlim(_bins.min(), _bins.max())
In [ ]:
In [ ]:
In [ ]:
In [ ]:
In [128]:
fig,axes = plt.subplots(3, 5, figsize=(15,8), sharex=True, sharey=True)
for n in range(1,5+1):
ax = axes[:,n-1]
mask = night_id == n
for j in range(3):
ax[j].scatter(obs_time[mask], all_sky_offsets[mask,j], c=np.arange(mask.sum()), cmap='jet')
ax[0].set_title('night {0}'.format(n))
axes[2,2].set_xlabel('time [hour]')
axes[0,0].set_ylabel('5577 offset')
axes[1,0].set_ylabel('6300 offset')
axes[2,0].set_ylabel('6364 offset')
# ---
fig,axes = plt.subplots(3, 5, figsize=(15,8), sharex=True, sharey=True)
for n in range(1,5+1):
ax = axes[:,n-1]
mask = night_id == n
for j in range(3):
# ax[j].scatter(hour_angle[mask], all_sky_offsets[mask,j], c=np.arange(mask.sum()), cmap='jet')
ax[j].scatter(hour_angle[mask], all_sky_offsets[mask,j], c=airmass[mask],
cmap='Spectral', edgecolor='#555555', linewidth=1)
ax[0].set_title('night {0}'.format(n))
axes[2,2].set_xlabel('time [hour]')
axes[0,0].set_ylabel('5577 offset')
axes[1,0].set_ylabel('6300 offset')
axes[2,0].set_ylabel('6364 offset')
axes[0,0].set_xlim(-75, 75)
In [138]:
((raw_rv - true_rv)[mask]/c*5577).decompose()
In [145]:
for n in range(1,5+1):
mask = night_id == n
((raw_rv - true_rv)[mask]/c*5577).decompose())
# plt.ylim(-150,150)
In [ ]:
In [71]:
q = session.query(Observation.group_id).join(Run, SpectralLineMeasurement)
q = q.filter( == 'mdm-spring-2017')
gids = np.array([gid for gid, in q.distinct().all()])
In [74]:
rv_diffs = []
all_x0s = []
for gid in gids:
meas_q = session.query(SpectralLineMeasurement).join(Observation, SpectralLineInfo)
meas_q = meas_q.filter( == 'Halpha')
meas_q = meas_q.filter(Observation.group_id == gid)
x0s = [meas.x0 for meas in meas_q.all()]
if len(x0s) == 2:
rv_diff = (x0s[1] - x0s[0])*u.angstrom / Halpha *
all_x0s = all_x0s + x0s
rv_diffs = u.Quantity(rv_diffs)
all_x0s = u.Quantity(all_x0s)
In [75]:
# random shuffle
# TODO: redo this after correcting for barycenter, sky shifts, etc.
_derp = np.random.choice(len(all_x0s), size=len(all_x0s), replace=False)
random_rv_diff = (all_x0s - all_x0s[_derp])*u.angstrom / Halpha *
In [76]:
_,bins,_ = plt.hist(rv_diffs[np.isfinite(rv_diffs)], bins=np.linspace(-150, 150, 31),
normed=True, alpha=0.5)
plt.hist(np.random.normal(0, np.sqrt(25**2 + 25**2 + 5**2 + 5**2), size=64000),
bins=bins, normed=True, alpha=0.5);
_,bins,_ = plt.hist(random_rv_diff[np.isfinite(random_rv_diff)], bins=bins, normed=True, alpha=0.4)
Now look at differences in sky lines
In [48]:
sky_diffs = []
for gid in gids:
meas_q = session.query(SpectralLineMeasurement).join(Observation, SpectralLineInfo)
meas_q = meas_q.filter( == '[OI] 6300')
meas_q = meas_q.filter(Observation.group_id == gid)
x0s = [meas.x0 for meas in meas_q.all()]
if len(x0s) == 2:
sky_diff = (x0s[1] - x0s[0])*u.angstrom / (6300*u.angstrom) *
sky_diffs = u.Quantity(sky_diffs)
In [49]:
plt.hist(sky_diffs[np.isfinite(sky_diffs)], bins=np.linspace(-50, 50, 30));
TODO: ok, so apparently I need to correct for sky line shifts before doing RV difference??
In [ ]:
In [ ]:
In [18]:
seps = []
for gid in gids[np.isfinite(rv_diffs) & (rv_diffs < 15*]:
_q = session.query(TGASSource).join(Observation)
_q = _q.filter(Observation.group_id == gid)
tgas_data = _q.all()
c1 = tgas_data[0].skycoord
c2 = tgas_data[1].skycoord
sep = c1.separation_3d(c2)
seps = u.Quantity(seps)
In [30]:
plt.hist(seps[seps > 0*u.pc], bins='auto')
In [ ]: